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Start your Free to Play MMORPG journey here and enjoy double the rewards! Begin with the Calypso orientation training where you will earn free guns and armor, then explore planet Calypso at your leisure before taking your free teleport to planet ROCKtropia. On Rocktropia Hunt The THING to win more Freebies to help you on your ultimate mission to make money playing games.FREE Starter Gear
Learn the Entropia Universe interface and be rewarded with Pistols, Rifles, Ammo, and Mining gear and all the tricks and skills needed to make money playing video games.
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Answer the call to Hunt The THING and progress through what many rave reviews describe as the Best Free to Play mission in a Virtual World to win Arctic Gear, Vehicles and even a Flame Thrower worth real cash.
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Get real bang for Your buck! In the Entropia Universe Web Shop you can grab the ZOMBIE KONG starter kit. In addition to Ammo, Armor and Cash you get a King Kong Tommy Gun Special Edition, designed for fun, skilling and a life time of cost efficient hunting to help you make you make a Profit playing.